Tyrone Iras Marhguy, a former Rastafarian student at Achimota Secondary School who sparked controversy by wearing dreadlocks to school, has obtained a full scholarship to study Computer Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States. Marhguy announced his accomplishment on social media on Wednesday, August 28.

He also mentioned that he had received offers from three different universities abroad. The four scholarship offers he got totaled $1.4 million, which would cover his tuition expenses for the next four years.

“I’m overjoyed to announce that the University of Pennsylvania has granted me a full scholarship to study computer engineering. As a proud Quaker. After carefully weighing excellent offers from #upenn, #duke, #Williams, and #F&M, totaling $1.4 million for the next four years, I’m joining the class of 2028. This is an incredible opportunity,” he added.

Oheneba Nkrabea and Tyrone Marhguy, two rastafarian pupils, gained popularity after Achimota Secondary School refused to admit them because of their dreadlocks.

The two rastafarian children will only be admitted if they chop off their dreadlocks, according to Achimota School’s standards, which prevent students from wearing them.

Later on, a lawsuit was launched by both pupils against Achimota Secondary School. On May 31, 2021, a court verdict mandated that Achimota School accept Marhguy and Ohene Nkrabea.

In 2023, Marhguy completed his last WASSCE exam with perfect 8As and moved on to take the SAT.

Marhguy gave his parents appreciation for their unwavering struggle and support in getting him admitted to Achimota as he thought back on his experience and previous difficulties.

He also conveyed his appreciation to those who helped him with his college application and who gave him SAT tutoring and mentoring.

“I am incredibly appreciative of my family, particularly my father, Mr. Tereo Marhguy, for his unwavering assistance and selflessness. Thank you for being my inspiration and rock, Mrs. Dorcas Fremarhguy, and for being my wonderful sisters, Nikita and Amrita Marhguy.

“A heartfelt thank you goes to Mr. Ekow Aikins Jnr of Aikins Educational Consult, who not only prepared me for the SAT but coached me through the college application and also opened his home to me, ensuring I had the best environment to succeed. To Mr. Ferdinand Quayson (YAF Ghana), you spent endless nights working with me on all aspects of my college application making sure that I was able to effectively convey my story. And to Mr. Abel Ohene Acquaye, your mentorship and support were invaluable,” he added.