The United States government has contributed more than GH₵1 million ($85,000) to the inaugural Ghana Horticultural Expo through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

From July 9 to July 11, 2024, in the Accra International Conference Centre, the Federation of the Associations of Ghanaian Exporters (FAGE) and its partners are organizing a three-day event.

At the opening session, USAID Ghana Economic Growth Office Director Andrew Read stated, “By funding this event through the Feed the Future Ghana Trade and Investment (GTI) Activity, we aim to enhance collaboration among stakeholders, increase private sector involvement in food security initiatives, and empower enterprises to position themselves as engines of growth in Ghana’s economic transformation agenda.”

The expo, themed “Celebrating Ghana’s Horticultural Diversity: Produce Quality, Export More,” brings together farmers, exporters, GEPA representatives, players in the horticultural business sector, experts, innovators, financial institutions, and development partners. Visitors can watch product and practice demonstrations, network with industry professionals, gain insightful knowledge of emerging trends and technologies, and pique interest in the horticultural sector, particularly among young people.

Improved horticulture implies more fruits and vegetables in your home gardens and at the farmer’s market, giving you better access to essential elements for a healthy diet. Read added.

The US is Ghana’s greatest bilateral development partner. In 2023, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) contributed more than $140 million in bilateral development assistance.

Agriculture, economic growth, health, education, and governance were among the topics covered by this assistance.