Ghanaian music producer Kwame Mickey revealed that the disagreement over Team Eternity Ghana’s use of the ‘Defe Defe’ lyrics in their latest single has been addressed.

The ongoing dispute over the use of the lyrics to ‘Defe Defe’ has been resolved, according to a statement released yesterday by OFM company on Kwame Mickey’s behalf. 

“The parties have duly entered into a Licence Agreement under which Kwame Mickey grants to Team Eternity Ghana the non-executive right to use in the new song, those words derived from the existing song,” the statement states.

Resolving the issue that was widely considered a “Kingdom matter” has reportedly involved a lot of people working behind the scenes. 

Gospel musician Ohemaa Mercy urged Kwame Mickey not to pursue the case in an interview with Hitz FM yesterday, citing the good effects of Team Eternity Ghana’s “Defe Defe” song on people’s life. 

“Kwame Mickey ought to pardon Team Eternity because they’ve performed admirably. This is not protected by copyright. 

“When you go to our hometown in Kumasi, we say ‘defe defe’ every day. For ‘monnyae me’, I have even used it in my songs before. So there are some of the words, you might feel they took it but they are words we say every time,”Ohemaa Mercy noted.

Last month, Hallelujah Voices’ executive producer, Kwame Mickey, claimed in a Facebook post that Team Eternity Ghana had violated his copyright by utilizing the word “defe defe” in their new hit song. 

On social media, his statement sparked a contentious discussion about whether Team Eternity had violated the copyright allegations made against them.

For many who had been anxiously anticipating a conclusion, this most recent development in the case is undoubtedly a source of relief.